Saturday, March 9, 2013

Worries and Expectations.

My departure is drawing near, only couple of silly weeks and I'm on my wayyy!

I haven't completely understood yet that I'm actually going. Until the end of February I was so busy with my degree work that I had no time to think about the whole thing. Now that I have time, my mind isn't working properly since I have a fever, heh heh. But I've booked my flights and I basically know what to do on 25th, the day of awesomeness.

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm nervous. And most of the time I'm not, but I do get anxious at times, mainly at night. I'm afraid I'll miss my fiancé so much that it gets unbearable. 8 weeks isn't a long time in general, but it's going to be the longest time we've been apart. So I truly hope he's able to get some time off and come visit me!
There was a time in my life when I enjoyed being by myself. I was used to it and I didn't feel the need to be around others. But now that I spend all my time with another person, I'm afraid I can't manage on my own. I fear that my head can't stand the loneliness. So no, the trip itself doesn't make me nervous, but the psychological side does. But I try not to think about it too much. I am so sick an tired of people being negative and pessimistic about everything, I don't want to be like that.

My trip will be perfect.
Nothing will go wrong.
I'm going to have the time of my life.
But if something goes wrong.. I'll just fix it.

Although I did have one major problem: Plushies. I love them, and I wanted to take at least one with me. But my plushies are quite big and I want to pack up my suitcase wisely. Thankfully my darling sister (whose blog can be found here ) seems to be a telepath since she gave me this gorgeous guy as a traveling company! She made him herself! <3

And so, I lamely name this guy Gult (Icelandic, means "yellow"), and he shall be my royal companion.
He has already packed his suitcase, but I have no idea what's inside. We'll see once we unpack in Iceland!
And if I can't make any new friends, this guy might be the only one appearing in future photos...

Okay, another thing that's been on my mind is the weather in Iceland. I think it's pretty much the same as in Finland during this time of the year: unpredictable. One day is sunny and pretty like this:

Aaand the next day God just seems to hate you:

And you know, since it's Iceland, let's just imagine there's a huge mountain in the background and the trees on the other hand aren't there. That's pretty much what I'm expecting. Maybe a tiny bit of lava somewhere.

Really though, I don't mind the weather in Finland, I actually like the cold. Even though it gave me the fever I'm currently suffering from, the drastic weather changes are kind of awesome. and if Iceland is at least somewhat similar, I think I'm going to feel right at home.


  1. Olithan sinä maininnut, että joku opettaja oli kehunut kirjoituksiasi, mutta nyt vasta itse voin sen todeta: Osaat tosiaan kirjoittaa! :)

    Voit lukea Gultin syntytarinan suomeksi täältä:

    1. Haha, vaikka englanniksi kirjotin enkä mitenkään äärimmäisen kirjakielellisesti edes. Mutta kiva jos vaikuttaa luettavalta. :)
      Ja vaikka Gult onkin nyt koirulin virallinen nimi, niin oikeasti varmaan kutsun sitä Kultiksi pääasiassa (ei siis Kultti, vaan Kulti). Pitäähän sitä hellittelynimiä olla!
